Welcome to the Blog!

In recent weeks, Health Monitoring Systems has been fielding a lot of questions regarding meaningful use from both hospitals and public health departments.  And, we have been doing a lot of digging, too.  While we aren’t the experts, we thought it would be useful to share the information we have and our views.

And so, we created this blog.

The purpose of the blog is to provide both resources and opinion regarding trends in healthcare related to healthcare data exchange (its what we do!).  Meaningful Use affects both of the HMS products MediCenter and EpiCenter.

EpiCenter collects and analyzes healthcare data, providing a view into regional health conditions for public health and healthcare.  MediCenter reverses the flow and provides patient medication history to clinicians at the point of care.  With all of the activity around meaningful use and health information exchange, it is safe to say we are heavily invested in this area.

Please participate by registering on the site and leaving comments.  We turned on registration, not to harvest email addresses but to prevent SPAM comments.

If you have some thoughts on these topics, please drop me a line at editor@hmsinc.com.  We are actively seeking guest bloggers to provide their opinions and insights.

Once again, welcome to the blog.

— kjh